Ninja Kenjutsu Japanese Sword Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0003) |
KUKISHINDEN RYU KENJUTSU KIHON is a 80 minute DVD video home-training long-distance learning program full of exercises, insights, and instructions for passing the test for Kihon Fundamentals diploma licensing in the martial art of Japanese Sengoku-jidai Warring States sword technique taught in Stephen K. Hayes' martial art of To-Shin Do. This one-of-a-kind DVD covers techniques and tactics for developing the kind of skill for which the ninja invisible warriors of Japan became legends. Wyprzedane
Tagi: sklep z bronią białą, akcesoria do sztuk walki, militaria, nóż, noże, miecz, miecze, katana, katany, szabla, szable, multitool, multi-tool, multitoole, boken, bokken, miecz samurajski, miecze ozdobne, miecze użytkowe, LARP,